This site was designed to be a resource for Chinappi family members around the world.
Here you will find:
• Genealogy information
• Stories about Gaeta and Italy
• Announcements: Share your stories with other Chinappi family members ~ Births, Deaths, Eulogies and stories of departed loved ones, and family reunions
• Stories: Do you have a Chinappi relative who loves to share their albums and stories with you? Record their stories or write them down. Send in digital copies of their precious photos.
• Family Legend and Rumours: You know them! Stories that are rumours or myths. Facts that aren’t verified. Have a Pope in your family? Did a relative marry their cousin? Did someone secretly adopt a child? Share it all! These stories need to be told and recorded before they are lost to the mists of time.
Please share this site and use the contact form if you would like to submit information, or are seeking help. contact us if you were:
• Born a Chinappi
• Adopted into a Chinappi family
• Discovered you are a Chinappi who was given up for adoption, and you want to find your birth family
• Have ancestors who are Chinappi
• Are a descendant of a Chinappi
• You married into a Chinappi family – LUCKY YOU!!
This site will also provide genealogy resources, stories about Gaeta and Italy, announcements for births-weddings-deaths, tributes and eulogies to departed loved ones and interesting information as it pertains to the Chinappi family name
About The Chinappi Family Tree
Thus far, it seems that all Chinappi family branches originate in the village of Gaeta, a beautiful port city located in the Province of Latina,Italy. During my research, I discovered that around the 1900’s, family surnames repeated in the family trees of everyone born in Gaeta.
In human history it was not uncommon for multiple members of the same generation of one family, to marry multiple members of the same generation of another family. This was done for many reasons. To ensure land and property was kept in the family, to strengthen family ties and sometimes, due to cases of sudden deaths, to ensure children were not left with only one parent. It was common for siblings of one family to marry the sibling of another family.
For distant cousins, a marriage between them was often inevitable. In the early history of the Chinappi family, because of because of the limited number of families that existed within the city of Gaeta., marriage between family was very frequent. Travel between cities, towns, and villages was not common then, or easy for many families. The costs alone made it impossible for most.
WHAT – does – this – all – mean?
In the genealogy of Gaeta families, we are all related through marriage and birth.
For example: A couple has both their family roots connecting to Gaeta for 3 or more generations. This means that the chances they are distant cousins through blood or through marriage is very high due to the frequency of family marrying family for generations.
Now it gets interesting!
A 4th cousin may actually be an 8th cousin…. BUT because Chinappi’s can and often do, share multiple genetics on both sides, it makes tracing the actual family lines more confusing, because of the mixed family ties.
To Help Make It Clearer!
The Chinappi Family Tree will always include anyone that has a connection to Gaeta that marries a Chinappi. If we have the information, this will include: ancestors, parents, siblings, husbands, wives, and in laws. What’s in a name? One of the other challenges of the culture in Gaeta is that sometimes people did not go by their legal names in social settings.
An example of this was a Chinappi family member who was so often referred to by his nickname “Paparome” (Father of Rome) that even his friends did not realize that it was not his legal last name! To read his story check out the blog post HERE
SO nicknames, pet names, and any altered versions of names will be included in The Chinappi Family Tree. ARE YOU READY TO SHARE. YOUR INFORMATION FOR THE CHINAPPI FAMILY TREE?
email with any attachments to or you can use Dropbox or WeTransfer (free file sharing service) if you have videos or large files to share
About Me
Hi my name is Franco Chinappi.
I started to research my branch of the Chinappi Family Tree in the mid-1990s.
I mailed hundreds of letters and forms I had made up to Chinappi family in as many places as I could find. Using this method I managed to research as far as my great-great-grandfather for only one branch of the family tree.
It was hard work and very time consuming. I then took a hiatus for over 10 years, in which time the technology advanced to where I was able to I return the world of genealogy with the aid of family tree websites, DNA home testing kits, and social media.
My passion for Genealogy was reignited when I became a father. I created The Chinappi Family Tree on for my son, so that he would have answers to his family questions. Through that site and now this one, he can easily see his family tree and trace his lineage.
As I continue to reach out to new DNA relatives to help me complete their branches of our ever growing The Chinappi Family Tree, I am excited to be able to use this website to share our history, stories and pictures with fellow Chinappi family around the world.