by Bernard CHINAPPI
Adresse E-Mail :
Tel : 04 93 70 72 74
Hi there,
I’m throwing a bottle overboard here, hoping someone finds it and answers me about a subject that intrigues me about the CHINAPPI family.
Undoubtedly the CHINAPPI family was based in GAETA (and its suburbs in particular BORGO DI GAETA) before 1860.
This family seemed quite wealthy and influential in the town of GAETA; as proof, I will give the churches (or chapels) of the CHINAPPI family in Gaeta.
Santa Maria Assunta al Pizzone formerly owned by the CHINAPPI family, destroyed during the 2nd World War
San Raffaele formerly owned by the CHINAPPI family, inside the former diocesan seminary
Sorry no english language version
Around 1860, part of the CHINAPPI (including my ancestors) left BORGO DI GAETA to go to SPERLONGA, a small village (fishing port) 17 km to the North-West.
Obviously my great-grandparents (CHINAPPI Salvatore Gaetano and his wife di MARCO Maria Civita) left BORGO DI GAETA when they were rather poor.
My grandparents (CHINAPPI Erasmo Antonio and his wife PALOMBO Anna Maria) were both born in SPERLONGA.
Knowing that the great waves of immigration from Italy to France and America (especially USA and Canada) took place around 1900, I wonder why there was this transfer between BORGO DI GAETA and SPERLONGA towards 1860.
If you have an answer or even a possibility, you are welcome.
Bernard Chinappi
Adresse E-Mail :
Tel : 04 93 70 72 74